Brazil – Labeling changes
Anatel has amended rules for product labeling in Resolution 662. The number of digits used to identify the approval and manufacturer have both changed from 4 to 5 digits and …
Anatel has amended rules for product labeling in Resolution 662. The number of digits used to identify the approval and manufacturer have both changed from 4 to 5 digits and …
It has been announced that AFTIC (formerly CNC) and AFSCA will merge to form ENACOM. Type Approval and radio device regulations will fall under this new organization. However, at this …
The ACMA has published its review and plans for the 803-960MHz band to be implemented over the next few years. Decisions include: identification of additional spectrum for mobile broadband identification …
Despite no formal regulation for the 57-66GHz band, MOC in Israel has included this band for WiGig devices in recent approval certificates. Such devices are expected to be in compliance …
Indonesia has published a new rules document for WLAN devices (Regulation 28 of 2015). These rules now permit a dual-band access point operating in both 2.4 and 5.8GHz bands. Maximum …
Brazil is currently reviewing and replacing Resolution 506 that covers short range devices including WLAN and Bluetooth. In the final version we are expecting to see: Relaxation of labeling rules …
Mexico is set to replace NOM-121 with NOM-EM-016 and IFT-008. As with NOM-121 these standards will cover some of the bands used by WLAN/BT devices. New approvals and renewals will …
Type approval is now accepted by MCMC for the 5470-5650MHz band.
CNC has been replaced by AFTIC (Autoridad Federal de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones). It is expected that AFTIC will continue with the type approval process as …
Ukraine now allows 802.11ac modes and 60GHz devices (802.11ad)