The FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) has published new and updated KDB entries.

Publication Number Question Answer
388624 What devices require FCC guidance prior to a TCB issuing a grant of equipment authorization, and what are the procedures to obtain this guidance? The attached documents provide guidance on the Pre-Approval Guidance (PAG) procedures (Section 2.964) formerly known as the Permit But Ask (PBA) procedure. Attachment 388624 D02 Pre-Approval Guidance List v16r06 provides a list of the RF devices that …
285076 What are the equipment authorization requirements for hearing aid compatibility of mobile handsets? The following documents provide guidance on the equipment authorization of RF devices subject to the Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) rules: 285076 D01 HAC Guidance v05r01 provides equipment authorization guidance for mobile handsets subject to the re…