South Africa – ICASA Position on Equipment Type Approval Exemption

south_africaICASA has recently published a document describing its current position regarding possibilities to exempt devices from Type Approval requirements.

Its position is summarized below:


Based on the International Benchmarking Study, written and oral representations from stakeholders, the Authority has taken the following position in relation to exemption of equipment from Type Approval:

8.1. No exemption will be granted on the basis of the type of equipment. The Authority considers such exemption to be pre-mature at this stage and has the potential of possibly yielding irreversible unintended consequences.

8.2. The Authority will develop a framework for the exemption of equipment operating under the circumstances included but not limited to those listed in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Circumstances

Equipment Category


Systems and equipment used for the production and distribution of broadcast and content services

All equipment in studios and production facilities that interfaces with the production environment and is under the control and operated by engineering professionals.

Test and measurement equipment

Any test and measurement equipment used by professionals and engineers of a licensed entity in the provision of telecommunications or broadcast services

satellite communications equipment

for temporal and/or limited area use only

Equipment for research and development in a laboratory environment

Equipment for demonstrations of prototypes and testing

Equipment for sample testing, demonstrations and field trials.

Equipment for demonstrations and exhibition.

Equipment for operations of specialised agencies

Equipment for maritime or aeronautical operations

Radio telescope receivers, calibration and test equipment.

Radio telescope array and radio astronomy facilities

Amateur radios

Radiocommunication services for the purpose of self-training, intercommunication and technical investigations carried out by amateurs on a non commercial basis.

Equipment used by Government Services

Used for national security and defence networks.

Equipment produced or imported for the purposes of exporting.

Not for use in South Africa

Spare parts, components to be used for repairs

Provided such part is used in a certified product

8.3. The Authority will consider entering into and amending MoUs with relevant regulatory bodies such as, but not limited to: CAA, SAMSA, NRCS to alleviate regulatory burden to affected stakeholders.

8.4. The Authority shall embark on the process of reviewing the current Type Approval Framework and work towards a multi-level Conformity Assessment Framework based on the relevant criteria to deal with equipment intended to be made available commercially in the South African market. The broader framework will incorporate the circumstances under which MRA’s may be entered into and provide for robust market surveillance activities.