EU – Harmonized Standards for RED (upcoming amendment)

The European Commission has indicated that it plans to amend the version of a harmonized standard published in the OJEU for the RED. The standard in question covers the essential requirements under Article 3(2) for FM broadcast transmitters operating in the band 68-108MHz:


Please be advised that on 12th April there was a minor issue with the publication of EN 302 018-2 in the list of harmonised standards of the RED.

It is version v1.1.1 that was sent to us (rather than v1.2.1) and published on the OJEU.

The next list, expected on 12th May 2017, will correct this issue, amending v1.1.1 with v1.2.1.

Due to the tight schedule of publications, this is the fastest and safest route: issuing a separate corrigendum at this stage could impact the respect of our deadline for the list of May and hence delay this planned publication.