Following the recent announcement that IDA has been restructured to become IMDA the following arrangements apply for transition to the new label format prescribed by IMDA:
- Under Section 91(1) of the Info-communications Media Development Authority Act 2016, which came into force on 1 October 2016, all dealer’s licences and equipment registrations previously issued by IDA before 1 October 2016, will remain in force and will be deemed to be issued by IMDA. All conditions in the respective dealer’s licence and equipment registration will remain the same.
- Equipment that has been registered or renewed before 1 October 2016 with existing stock that are already affixed with the IDA compliance label before 1 October 2016, need not be replaced with the new IMDA compliance label.
- Equipment that has been registered or renewed after 1 October 2016 with IMDA, shall be affixed with the IMDA compliance label by no later than 30 September 2017. This is to allow time for dealers to prepare and affix the new IMDA label.