The ECC has published draft Report 330:
To enable WAS/RLAN use on a national basis in the band 5725-5850 MHz but also ensure the protection of RTTT/Smart Tachograph and radars (including Fast Frequency Hopping) taking into account free circulation of WAS/RLAN
From the document summary:
This Report contains an analysis of the regulatory and implementation issues to enable WAS/RLAN use on a national basis in the band 5725-5850 MHz to enable the protection of, RTTT/Smart Tachograph and radars (including Fast Frequency Hopping). This Report also looks at issues around enforcement and the free circulation of WAS/RLAN equipment in countries that do not allow the use of the 5725-5850 MHz band by WAS/RLAN.
The Report describes the possibilities for national implementation of conditions for WAS/RLAN usage within the 5725-5850 MHz band (above the generic SRD limit of 25 mW), with the assumption that WAS/RLAN use would be predominately based on the exemption from individual licensing. It summarises examples, practical experiences and other innovative solutions to enable spectrum sharing conditions for WAS/RLANs on a national level.
The full report can be found here.