ENACOM has recently published an update to rules applicable to approval of Multichannel Digital Systems (MXD). Resolution 5926-E/2017 includes the new standard ENACOM-Q2-60.16 V17.1 for such devices.
- Previously, such systems were regulated by Resolution 784 (1987) and measurement protocol CNT-PM-1, which had a maximum frequency of 40 GHz
- Allowed devices will be all systems using allocated frequencies within 1-86 GHz range.
- This new resolution will be enforced in 90 days after it is published: 04 April 2018
- Before 04 April 2018, new approvals or renewals can be submitted as before, tested under CNT-PM-1 protocol
- All renewal applications submitted after 04 April 2018 must include new test report under new standard